Monday, April 26, 2010


I had a visit from an extremely photogenic lizard today.  I heard him rustling about in the garden at the front of the house and took the photos out the bedroom window.  He was happily gorging himself on furry caterpillars walking in formation down the trunk of the large bottlebrush tree.  He was very interested in the noise my camera makes which meant he was wonderful to photograph.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gifts and photos from Timor

I received a parcel from Geoff last week with some blankets/throw rugs he had bought at local markets for around $5 - some photos are below.  Of couse, when I laid them on the floor to take a photo Banjo immediately assumed I had put them there for him and lay down on one - cheeky!  Also some more photos of Timor from Geoff further down the page.

Approvals are happening...

Just had news today from our builder that the boundary relaxation has been approved.  The other approvals (for the plans) should follow pretty quickly.  The builder is working on his schedule so he can get a start date to us asap!  Yay, I was beginning to think Geoff would be home before any building had even started ;)
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