Student's at Heather's parenting program workshop.
We spend a lot of time stuck in traffic and draw a lot of attention. We have only seen one other Westerner in our first 4 days here. The Bangladeshis are so happy and excited to see us - lots of smiling goes on from our car and their respective vehicles. Most of the trucks we see are beautifully decorated as this one was. Few trucks are seen in the city during the day as they cannot travel at peak times (they can go through city after 8pm).
There seem to be regular protests and political meetings. The leader of the opposition was speaking at this one. The poster is about a politician being bashed by police at a Hartal (general strike). Bangladeshi's are very interested in politics compared to Australians - perhaps because of their history and fight for independence. There are many monuments in the city commemorating those lost in the fight for independence. They are the only country in the world who died to keep their mother tongue.
Traffic in Dhaka city is ridiculous. There is total disregard for red lights and even rules about which side of the road to drive on. Basically anything goes. You warn other drivers with frequent beeps on your horn. It looks dangerous but I suspect there are few serious injuries in the city as the traffic is always travelling at snail's pace. In more rural areas, however, there are a lot of serious accidents and road deaths. The bus on the right wanted to get in to the lane on our left - they just beep and go, move into position when they can and stop for other vehicles doing the same thing. It is absolutely crazy!
Some more startled, surprised locals.
A mosque. We can hear the calls to prayer from our accommodation. They are played on loudspeakers across the city. The first one is predawn which woke us all the first morning but I am quite used to it now and don't hear it at all.
Another new local friend made while sitting in traffic.
The view from Ifana's family's rooftop. We had a wonderful time visiting her whole family for a meal. Some had travelled for hours to come and meet us. We were fed beautiful food til we were stuffed. They entertained us with dancing and singing. I can't believe how lucky we are to be invited into their homes and embraced like family. I think Australians are probably as welcoming as the Bangladeshis but offer nowhere near the same level of hospitality.
Linda and Ifana's sister in law in the dining room with the beautiful food they made for us.
Ifana and her mum. Her mum used to be a teacher and understands English very well but can speak little now as she is out of practice. We also met both of Ifana's brothers, her sister-in law, niece, cousin, several aunties. They all live in the same building but in their own rooms/areas. The house is about 60 years old but seems much older. It is very basic and Ifana, one brother and her mother share four rooms and a corridor. Beds are in communal areas so I imagine privacy is rare. Sarah and Kate took many photos of their home and I will post some at a later time.